Near East Yeniboğaziçi College Students experienced the driving performance of TRNC’s domestic car GÜNSEL. Students also visited the museums on the Near East University Campus and the Walled City Museum at the Kyrenia Gate
Students studying at Near East Yeniboğaziçi College, which started education in kindergarten, preschool, primary school and college with 400 students in September, experienced the driving performance of TRNC’s domestic and national automobile “GÜNSEL” at the driving area at GÜNSEL Production Facilities. After visiting GÜNSEL, students who also visited the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, Cyprus Car Museum, Cyprus Herbarium and Natural History Museum located on the campus of the Near East University, had the chance to experience the interesting museum culture by examining the museum collections. Students who also visited the Walled City Museum at the Kyrenia Gate had an unforgettable day.
Students experienced the excitement of driving experience with GÜNSEL …
GÜNSEL was the first stop of the trip, which aimed to enrich students’ education at school with activities that they can actively participate in and learn with fun. Students had the chance to experience the driving performance of B9, the first model of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, GÜNSEL, in the test driving area. Students who enjoyed driving with the B9 in the company of Günsel engineers had an unforgettable day by having a fun and exciting experience.
Walled City Museum fascinated students
Students, who also visited the Walled City Museum, showed great interest in the maritime artifacts and the Karagöz figures in the museum. One of the areas that drew the most attention of male students was the toy car collection consisting of 3 thousand pieces. The students had the chance to observe the history they read mostly from the books with Ottoman works such as calligraphy, certificates, decree belonging to Nicosia and 17th century carpet, which are exhibited in the special room reserved on the fourth floor of the museum.
They scrutinized classic and sports cars one by one…
Near East Yeniboğaziçi College students also visited the museums on the Near East University Campus. The students’ first stop here was the Cyprus Car Museum. Classic and sports cars belonging to the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries in the museum became the center of attention of the students. The students, who scrutinized hundreds of striking cars closely, were also informed about the cars in the museum.
Later, students who visited the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts curiously scrutinized the materials including paintings of acrylic, oil paint, spray paint, airbrush, mixed painting and drawing techniques, wood carving, marble-ceramic sculpture, clay shaping, metal sculpture and handmade hunting knives.
Finally, the students who visited the Cyprus Herbarium and Natural History Museum had the chance to see 11 thousand different types of plant specimens, fungi, insect species, various reptile species, sea creatures and Cyprus geology materials within the museum.