MUSIAD members tested GÜNSEL in the TRNC
Date Added: 05 July 2021, 14:03
Last Updated Date:02 September 2022, 10:58

Members of the Independent Industrialists’ and Business People’s Association (MUSIAD) visited the TRNC’s domestic and national car GÜNSEL at its home.

Members of the Independent Industrialists’ and Business People’s Association (MUSIAD) visited GÜNSEL in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, where they came for the opening of the branch of MUSIAD TRNC office opened in Nicosia. MÜSİAD Members, who made a test drive with GÜNSEL’s first model B9 in the driving area located on the Near East University Campus, also visited the production facilities and received detailed information about the vehicle’s features and mass production preparations.

GÜNSEL, which was introduced in Turkey at the MUSIAD EXPO fair held in Istanbul in November 2020, received great acclaim. Preparations are underway for mass production in GÜNSEL, the domestic and national car of the TRNC, developed by Turkish engineers and designers throughout 1.2 million hours of effort within the body of Near East University. With the second phase production facility to be opened this month, GÜNSEL Production Facilities will reach a total closed area of 35 thousand square meters.

Near East Initiative Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel and Chairman of the Independent Industrialists’ and Business People’s Association Abdurrahman Kaan made statements about the visit of MÜSAID to GÜNSEL.

Yakın Doğu Oluşumu Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı
Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “We have always felt the moral support of Turkey on our way to produce the domestic car of the TRNC”
Saying “We are very happy to host the Independent Industrialists’ and Business People’s Association, one of the important components of the Turkish business world, at our home”, the Near East Enterprises Board of Trustees President and GÜNSEL Executive Board Chairman Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel continued his speech as follows, “We have always felt the moral support of Turkey with us on the way we set out to produce the domestic car of the TRNC. We find MUSIAD’s visit extremely meaningful and valuable in this sense.”

Stating that they voiced their dreams of producing cars in the TRNC for the first time by attending MUSIAD Expo in 2016, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel reminded that they carried out the first test drives of GÜNSEL B9 in Turkey, again at MUSIAD Expo in November 2020.

Stating that he believes that the MUSIAD TRNC Branch, which was opened in Nicosia, will make a great contribution to the economic cooperation between Turkey and the TRNC, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “Welcome to our Cyprus”.

Abdurrahman Kaan: “GÜNSEL, as the most important production brand of the TRNC, will be the locomotive in the development of the country’s industry”
Abdurrahman Kaan, Chairman of MUSIAD, said, “I had the opportunity to test GÜNSEL, the domestic car of the TRNC, by visiting it at home before. Today, it was very meaningful for us to be at GÜNSEL again with our member business people from many cities of Turkey and to see the last stage reached on site.” Abdurrahman Kaan, who said that GÜNSEL, as the most important production brand of the TRNC, will be the locomotive in the development of the country’s industry as well as ensuring that mostly imported cars are produced in the country, both TOGG and GÜNSEL, as the global faces of the Turkish world, contribute to the country’s economy, and make a significant contribution to the employment.

Reminding that they came to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to open the branch of MUSIAD TRNC, Kaan said, “This is our sister country, we think we can contribute to our sister country a lot. He continued his words as follows; “We have seen that it has a serious potential in the solar energy, furniture, citrus and dairy sectors. We think that our cooperation will grow even more with the right policies and planning and diversification of relations. I wish our branch to bring good luck to the business world of Turkey and the TRNC.”