German Baden Württemberg State Turkish Businessmen Council visited the Near East University campus within the scope of its ‘business development trip’ to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The delegation also visited GÜNSEL Production Facilities and exchanged ideas about possible collaborations that could be developed with Near East University.
SUNTAT Chairman of the Board of Directors Mustafa Baklan chaired the Baden Württemberg State Turkish Businessmen Council, which included 32 people from sectors such as food, construction, automobile, tourism, health, plastic and e-commerce. The delegation started its visit to the Near East University campus with GÜNSEL Production Facilities and received information by taking a test drive of GÜNSEL’s first model, B9.

The delegation also met with Dean of Near East University Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Özge Özden and exchanged ideas about possible collaborations with Near East University regarding food research. After the meetings, the Baden Württemberg State Turkish Businessmen Council delegation also visited the Cyprus Car Museum and the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts.

Mustafa Baklan: “We want to benefit from the research experience of Near East University, especially in the field of food technologies.”
Stating that they have been in contact with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to exchange views about the cooperation and commercial opportunities, Baden Württemberg Business Council President Mustafa Baklan said that they aim to develop collaborations in the field of research with the Near East University. Emphasizing that they want to benefit from the research experience of Near East University, especially in the field of food technologies, Baklan added that they aim to promote the TRNC in Germany with the collaborations to be established.